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Finance Council

The parish finance council serves as an advisory body to the pastor and the parish pastoral council in the administration and stewardship of parish finances, budget, parish facilities, and long-range financial development. Mandated by canon law; parish finance councils, like parish pastoral councils, are consultative bodies. 

The finance council has three main areas of responsibility: 1) Administration and finance; 2) Facility management, and 3) Stewardship and development. Following is a detailed list of the general duties that fall within each area of responsibility.

​​Administration & Financ​​eFacility ManagementStewardship & Development​
​Financial projections and General financial condition​Fixed assets​Stewardship education
​Budget development​Preventative maintenance​Stewardship program(s)
​Budget monitoring​Capital budget​Increased Offertory
​Financial controls​Construction​Capital campaign
​Financial reports​Repairs and warranties​Debt reduction
​Policy compliance​Blueprints​Planned giving
​Contracts & invest​ments​Inspections and safety​Endowments
​Parish financial review
​Internal parish financial review procedures
​Personnel issues

Finance Council
Finance Council Members
Father Daniel CarrAnnette CostlowMartin Maskiewicz
Michael ZiemskiPaula Ziemski