Get Involved
We are a very active parish and have many ministries, organizations, and opportunities for faith formation here at St. Regis. Our children participate as Altar Servers, attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word, Religious Education classes, Middle Youth Ministry, and Youth Group. Adults participate as Lectors, Cantors, Ushers, Greeters, Hand Bell Choir, Knights of Columbus, and Sleeping Bag Ladies just to name a few. Adult formation classes are offered in the Spring and Fall. Please see the menu under “Parish Life” for our current ministries and organizations and see the menu under “Formation” for our current formation opportunities.
And, of course, the Source and Summit of our Catholic Faith is Mass. All are invited to full, active and conscious participation at Mass every week. We encourage receiving the Body and precious Blood of Christ frequently as well as taking advantage of Reconciliation regularly. Exposition and Adoration takes place the third Wednesday of every month after morning Mass until noon. What a wonderful way encounter Jesus and draw closer to Him!