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Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal organization of Catholic men with a common goal to promote fa​ith, family, community and country.  Our actions are guided by core virtues of Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.  The local K of C for St. Regis parish is Council #6299.

The K of C promote events to communicate our faith, pro-life initiatives, vocations and youth activities.  The Knights will sponsor events and also volunteer time to events sponsored by other organizations with similar goals.

Several fundraising events are scheduled throughout the year.  The funds raised go to supporting the parish, pro-life and charitable organizations, support seminary students and high school student scholarships.

All the events are an occasion to meet others, have some fun and support the St. Regis parish and the local community.  We encourage you to attend these events. 

If you are a Catholic man 18 year or older and share our goals consider joining the Knights of Columbus Council #6299.  Many Knights enhance their faith while serving the parish and community.   As you become involved in your council you have the opportunity to meet fellow brothers and others in our parish and community you might not otherwise meet.  In addition the Knights of Columbus offers its members industry leading life insurance.  Contact one of the Knights listed below for more information. 
Contact Information

Lud Sharek – Grand Knight
[email protected]

​Meetings are the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7pm.