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Pastoral Council
The pastoral council serves as a consultative body to the Pastor. The primary role of the council is to guide our community in the discernment, expression and fulfillment of its pastoral mission. This type of leadership calls forth the gifts of visioning, planning, empowering and evaluating, which are placed at the service of our community for the fulfillment of the parish mission. Being “mission oriented,” the council addresses and evaluates the needs and goals of the parish in light of church teaching and the mission of both the local and the larger church. Once our parishioners have discerned and expressed their mission in light of the seven essential elements (evangelization, worship, community, word, service, leadership and stewardship) the pastoral council then directs the resources and gifts of our community toward the fulfillment of that mission. This is accomplished through the process of pastoral planning. 

“After the diocesan bishop has listened to the presbyteral council and if he judges it opportune, a pastoral council is to be established in each parish; the pastor presides over it, and through it the Christian faithful, along with those who share in the pastoral care of the parish in virtue of their office give their help in fostering pastoral activity.” (Canon 536) 

Pastoral Council Members
Linda BethuneRick McDermott
Laura PeduzziMarilyn Rauso
Rich Rauso